On this page we have provided answers to the Online Bingo FAQ and here’s the reason why. Playing online bingo is both entertaining and profitable. However, in case that you have not played bingo online before it is recommended that you get familiar with its specifics at first. We wrote this page to answer all of the queries that we receive from our reader. We hope that they are helpfun enough, if not, do not hesitate to contact us.
The History of the Bingo Game
Players are familiar with a lot of information about bingo games, but few know the history of bingo. Here is the short description of bingo in the past. It has changed quite a lot since it first came out.
The game originated in Italy more than 500 years ago – in 1530, and the first one was called “Il Gioco del Lotto d`Italia”. This was Italian national lottery, and nowadays it is still played each Saturday in some cities in Italy.
Later the game became popular in the entire Europe. It was also updated; for example, in France tokens and cards were added.
It was given the name “Le Lotto”, and the game featured cards with three horizontal lines and nine columns with accidental numbers from 1 to 10, 11 to 20 and up to 90 in each line and four empty fields. One person took one number out of a bag and then called it in a loud voice. The winner is a player who has all the numbers from the horizontal row.
How Bingo Grew in Popularity
Bingo quickly became very popular throughout Europe – in Britain, Germany, and other countries. In Germany, it was used as means of educating children in Maths because it presented an innovative and entertaining method of learning numbers and the multiplication table as well.
It is not clear how bingo transferred from Europe to the USA across the Atlantic Ocean, but probably this happened with the European migrants.
In 1920 the bingo game was presented at a fair in Western Pennsylvania and Pittsburgh by Hugh J.Ward. He then created the Rule book of the game and considered himself the owner of the patent.
Later on, in 1929, at a fair in the suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia, the producer of toys Edwin Lowe created a game which was called Beano. It was based on the Ward’s Rule book and had dried beans, rubber stamp, and sheets made of cardboard.
This game quickly became popular, and that is why Lowe brought it to New York where he showed it to his friends. They were passionate about Beano, so he started arranging events with the game. Soon people become so addicted to it that Lowe had to send players away when the event is finished. They did not pay any attention when he warned them that the game was over for the night.
At one of the events, a woman showed up. She was so enthusiastic when playing the game and when she heard the last number she shouted “bingo”. Then Lowe realised that this would be the best name to call the game.
Although Ward claimed copyright on the name in 1920, he did not succeed because the word originated in 1770 in the UK. So Lowe renamed the game to bingo.
Lowe created two types of bingo games. The first one had a batch of 12 cards at 1$, while the second – 24 cards sets at 2$. Bingo gained huge popularity, and Lowe got his rivals soon. That is why he wanted them to pay him an annual fee 1$ to use the game and its name.
The salesman made a reform in the game as he partnered with Carl Leffler – a teacher in Maths from Columbia University. He created 6,000 original cards which contained unique sets of numbers.
Bingo games in the USA became so popular that until the end of 1930 an average 100 million dollars were spent on them per week.
The popularity of the game spread to the UK in the 1930, and it reached its peak in the middle of the 60s. Nowadays, bingo is still played in Britain, but it is a bit different from that in the USA. There is bingo with 75, and 90 balls and their tickets are different.
Although the game was modified over the years, it remains a lottery game in which players need to observe carefully, and they need to be lucky enough to win. Despite its modifications, it is still entertaining, and players are addicted to it.
Bingo Rules
Another bingo frequently asked question is how to play bingo. Statistics show that bingo is played even by little children for fun which means it is not only exciting but simple as well.
Players do not need to have special skills for the game. They just need to be concentrated and have some luck. The winnings are not the most important thing in this game. Bingo provides entertainment, the chance to meet new people and have fun. Not only adults enjoy playing the game, as it is popular among the youth as well.
Players need to be familiar with the game rules before they play as they are different at different places. As we already mentioned, in Britain there is 90 and 75 ball bingo. The first type is more popular. There are 9 columns and 3 lines in it and random numbers. On every line, there are 4 gaps and 15 numbers on each ticket in total. You need to select the numbers, and you win provided that you have completed the whole row, full house or two rows.
The 75-ball bingo is more popular in the USA. There are 5 lines and 5 columns on the ticket, which makes 25 numbers per card. The game is played with 75 balls as we can tell from its name. This means that there are 3 cards for each session. The winner has to complete lines which have the shape of the letters E, O, F.
You can play bingo online or in a hall, but in both cases, it gives you great chances to earn some money and chill out.
How to win?
This is one of the bingo frequently asked questions that does not have a certain answer. It is hard to say that there is a specific strategy or formula that will help you win. Even mathematicians and expert players do not know of such a way.
Bingo provides equal chances for all players. However, most likely to win are those with more tickets. You can imagine that if there are 200 cards in the game and you have 5, this makes 2.5 percent chance of winning. Respectively, having more cards increases your odds to win.
Before you decide to play, you should pay attention to some of the basic rules of bingo:
- First, it is good that you fix your budget in advance. You do not want to worry about money while trying to have fun. Pay attention to how much you spend on tickets and also select them well. It is better if you choose cards that vary regarding the numbers. If you want to increase your possibility of winning, you should better select tickets that have different numbers.
- Secondly, avoid playing bingo in halls full with people. You have bigger opportunities to win, even though the amounts are not as high as in crowded halls.
- Thirdly, you should be concentrated the entire time and carefully listen to the numbers being called. Some halls do not have a TV screen, and you need to be more alert. Next, in case you decide to play online bingo, first, check the website and then put in the details from your bank card and personal data.
- Finally, always keep your positive mood. Be an optimist, and this will give you better chances of winning a great prize.
Online Bingo FAQ in General
If you have never played bingo before, this section is the right place to get information:
How can I start playing online bingo and what is online bingo?
Online bingo is a new variation of a bingo game which became popular in 1996. According to some descriptions, it is a lottery but in the form of a game. Given the progress of technology, online bingo becomes more and more famous. It resembles live bingo where balls are picked and then the winner is called. However, online bingo generates a random number and determines the winner.
Another difference is that in bingo parlours you cannot talk to other players during the game. While playing online bingo chatting is not forbidden, it is even encouraged because this makes the bond between players even stronger.
The chat gives opportunities to the players to ask each other for questions and advice and also to congratulate the winner directly. This is what keeps players together.
First, you need to find the site that most suits you. Then you have to register and create an account. There are sites that require downloading the software before playing and others where you can play directly. Some sites also require an initial deposit to your account. The majority of websites also give great bonuses along this first deposit.
As we already mentioned in the online bingo FAQ, if you decide to play bingo online you can download the software or play directly on the website. You can also download the application to your mobile phone, and you can play whenever you like. Usually, players will need to enter their username and password if they play bingo on the websites, activate their online account and add a payment method so they could get their winnings.
Some people think that online bingo is gambling, but according to the law, it is not. Bingo provides each player with identical odds to become a winner. Everyone receives their set of numbers which is different from another player’s set. However, according to the law, you have to be an adult to play online bingo. It is forbidden for players that are underage.
Throughout the world, there are four types of bingo games. Different sites present the games is their own way, so they are more exciting and attractive for the players. There is a 75-ball bingo which is the classic game and is played mainly in North America. The second type is a 90-ball game which is popular in Australia and Europe. There is also a 30-ball bingo variation which is called quick bingo and last, but not least, an 80-ball game.
What are the pros of online bingo? When you play online, you get more bonuses. This means that you make a deposit, but you can obtain more cash than the amount you put in the beginning. Not to forget that playing online bingo gives you the chance to meet so many people all over the world and make new friends to share your gambling experience with – there are so many bingo rooms where you can meet friends in almost every bingo website!
How do online bingo websites operate?
Every passionate player needs to know the answer to this online bingo FAQ. Now that mobile devices and smartphones are used every single day, it is no wonder that most of the players prefer online bingo.
It is so much easier to start the game on your smartphone than look for a bingo hall in the place where you are. Before you start playing you need to know the basics of online bingo, which have something in common with real bingo.
There is special software that generates random numbers, unlike the rotating cage in real bingo halls. This means that you can be sure that the game is not manipulated and the balls are not weighted.
Before online bingo software is released, it is carefully checked to comply with the legislation of the country. Also, players are admitted if they are citizens of countries where online bingo is legal. Online bingo rooms need to get a license before they are launched. For instance, players from the US cannot play in British bingo websites, as they have a special license.
Personal data and card details are not disclosed so players should not worry at all. All the data is encoded and could not be accessed from another source. The laws protect personal information at all levels and safety is the most important thing for bingo sites. To guarantee safety, they rely on the most advanced security technologies.
There are many types of bingo games in websites trying to satisfy the different preferences of players. So you can be sure that you will find the game which most suits you.
Online Bingo offers players bonuses and jackpots. You can even get a bonus when you first sign up which means that basically, you got your first winning before you have started playing. This is a great reason to offer your friends to join the game.
There are also rewards for players who have played on bingo websites for the longest time. This is a way of attracting new players and encouraging loyal ones. In this regard, there are platinum, gold, silver, power, and senior users as well. Online bingo is not only fun but easily accessible. You can play on your smartphone or mobile device no matter where you are – at home or travelling somewhere.
How to play bingo online?
Probably you are new to online bingo, and here we will make a list of what you need to do if you want to try playing online.
- You need to be an adult, which in most of the countries means that you have to be older than 18. Also, you need your own debit card to make your personal account when your winning will go.
- Players who are underage are not allowed playing online bingo. Your profile will be carefully checked, and if it does not meet the requirements, you could be banned from playing.
- Find the bingo room that best suits you. There is a huge variety, so you do not have to worry. The majority offer bonuses – when you first deposit or when you sign up. Most of the games in the sites are popular ones, but some of them you could find a bit unconventional and not appropriate for each taste.
- Before you choose the site where you will play it is good to read the reviews of other people. Do not risk playing in websites that are not well-known or have bad feedback. You should rely mainly on players’ positive reviews if you want to enjoy your game. Try these sites which have proven profitable and entertaining throughout the years. They will not let you down for sure.
- The next step is to sign up and make your personal account. You will have to fill in your data – and it should be valid, or you will not be allowed to play. Then you will have to verify your account via email. After that login and search for your favourite bingo game.
In short, this is all you have to do. Choose a bingo room and have fun! Invite your friends as well because this will make your experience even nicer.
Where can I find all the important details regarding the game?
- Learn the Main Bingo Rules
- Review The History of Bingo
- Bingo Terms From A to Z
- Online Bingo Jackpots
- Bingo Betting Strategy
- How Does Bingo Work
- Popular Myths About Bingo
- Playing with Bingo Books
- Land Based Bingo Halls
- Shout Out the Bingo Calls
- Bingo Loyalty Clubs Bonuses
- Get Pre-Buy Bingo Cards
- Live Dealer Bingo Games
- Bingo Jackpot Winners
- Best Bingo Tips Online
- Highest Paying Bingo Jackpots
- Play Online or Live Bingo
- Picking a Bingo Site to Bet
- Play Online Bingo Safely
- Take Part in a Tournament
Is online bingo governed by the law and are bingo sites safe?
Yes, bingo sites are safe, just like other sites that provide gaming or goods. Your personal data is encoded, and you do not need to worry about hackers. However, before you start playing get familiar with the terms and conditions of the website.
Online bingo is legal in the UK, provided that the website has a license by the jurisdictions controlled by the EU or the UK. The authorised websites can be found on the organisations’ websites.
Recently, the Internet has been developing so fast that it is not always safe. So it is recommended that you check the site before you start playing. This page is always updated regarding the world of online bingo. That is why the players always get the safest and most entertaining bingo rooms.
We suggest only trustworthy sites, and there is no chance that they will violate personal data of players. These safe sites got the best reviews by players, and that is how we know safety is one of their most significant priorities.
What advice can you give to players who want to bet safely?
Pay attention to the fact that safe bingo sites encode personal data immediately they obtain it. This guarantees players that no one else could access it. The majority of websites want to keep their good name because they rely on the players’ positive reviews. This is the reason why they spend a lot of funds to provide safe software.
Bingo sites encrypt not only personal data but bank card details as well. This means that your account is fully protected. Hacking player’s account would be a disaster for the website, and it will immediately ruin the site’s reputation. And this becomes a nightmare if the website has a leading role in the bingo industry.
Bingo rooms are carefully inspected, so you do not need to worry that the game is manipulated in any way. The developers rely on the most up to date software and systems that cannot be hacked.
You should better delete your cookies and history and update your antivirus program. These will add additional protection in case you are worried that your account could be hacked. Once you got your antivirus program installed and you play in a verified bingo site, you do not need to bother about anything else. So you can play and have a great time with friends and be sure that your profile is completely safe.
Last but not least, it is proven that almost all bingo sites are protected, and you can rely on them.
Which bingo sites are most visited?
Before you start playing online bingo, you need to know the answer to this online bingo FAQ. You should better check the website in the list we suggest. This is very important since we are also interested in the safety of all players.
What are the functions of the chat rooms?
Chat rooms are one of the best features of online bingo rooms. They are different for the different websites, but they are easy to operate and allow the player to keep in touch with others constantly.
What is the admissible age for playing online bingo?
It depends on the country in which you reside. Sometimes you have to be at least 18, but others require the minimum age of 21. You need to check the laws before you start playing. To play in the UK, you have to be 18 years old – the legal age in Britain.
Is it safe to use my debit card?
The websites mentioned in our reviews are safe. They have banking sections that guarantee your safety because they are the same as those used by worldwide financial companies.
Where do my winnings go?
Usually, they go to the debit card you have used to deposit money, but the situation is different depending on the site. You could also get your winnings by cheque or bank transfer if the reward is large.
Is my software protected while installing online bingo games?
This online bingo FAQ is important since it concerns your software security. Your device is completely safe because all the bingo sites have been checked in advance and they contain no viruses. The purpose of playing online bingo is to provide players with pleasure and fun, so the software is safe for downloading.
Does each player have equal chances of winning?
When it comes to online bingo maybe this is one of the most important online bingo FAQ. We ensure that the online bingo websites on our site are all fair. These sites earn money each time when players purchase cards so they always get funds and it does not matter who wins.
What is the price of bingo cards?
It varies depending on the bingo website. However, a bingo card costs between 5p and £1 again depending on the site.
I want to play with friends. Is this possible?
This is one of the pros of online bingo. You could spend a great time together with your friends when they are online, and you play and chat at the same time. You can keep in touch with friends who are far away from you, and you do not have to travel to a bingo hall. Thus, online bingo improves the communication between players.
Is it possible to claim free money many times?
In case you attempt to claim the bonuses more than once per household, this will block the accounts. It means that you could be refused to play. Furthermore, the majority of sites have continuing bonuses, and you will not need to claim them many times.
How come the bingo sites contain no negative reviews?
There are many requirements which bingo sites need to cover to qualify for our list. We exclude bad sites, and we test carefully the good ones before including them in our reviews.
Are bingo halls manipulated?
Bingo halls have a long time been considered as places of tricksters. Gambling was thought to be a way of cheating other people and taking their money. Some people are convinced that the game is deceitful because it involves winning or losing money.
Throughout the years bingo was considered fraudulent because there were rumours that the game was manipulated into someone’s favour.
Maybe you ask yourself is this the truth and how does it happen. It is hard to give a certain answer to these questions. Over the years, there are some famous winnings which could have been manipulated. This happens in a very simple way to pick certain balls. Balls are added extra weight, and there is no problem picking them.
Moreover, the callers have their tricks. Sometimes players bribe them against a certain amount of money so callers could verify that a ticket is winning which is not the truth. Another hint is dumping the ball they have already picked and drawing another one, and no one notices.
There are different methods to deceive players, and many people wonder why. It is surprising, but there is not a certain reason. Bingo parlours always win, no matter how much money they give away to players.
However, today there are no manipulated bingo halls because they try hard to keep their loyal clients and could not afford to mislead them and to ruin the reputation of the hall. Also, since more and more players prefer playing bingo online, it is even more important for a bingo not to disappoint customers.
Bingo unites players and even it is played to gather funds for charity events.
How do bingo slots work?
People play bingo slots in land-based casinos and online as well. The game offers them the chance to have some fun and earn extra money.
Casino bingo slots have three or four buttons. Some of the bingo machines have a touchscreen, which makes it easy to operate. The only thing you need to do is push the button to begin the game. Soon you could win great prizes and enjoy to the fullest.
Old-fashion bingo machines used to have a lever, but it was not very convenient. The older machines were automated, but they often crashed and became unusable compared to the new high-tech bingo machines that are much better and more reliable.
Nowadays, the majority of players enjoy playing bingo alone at slot machines more than playing bingo with others because they feel more comfortable when they are alone. Slot machines guarantee the security of the players because there is a certain formula that controls the machine’s performance.
This formula means that random numbers are generated, and there is no chance that the game is manipulated in any way. Random numbers are being picked each time. The algorithms still work even when no one plays bingo. In this way, players are prevented from seeing the last number combination and after that eventually resolving how the game works and which are the next numbers.
The slot machines need to be periodically checked by controlling companies which minimises the chances of failures and disappointing clients.
Bingo slot machines are not legal all over the world. There are some countries where you could play the game online, but if you are not 18, you cannot get any winnings. Even though, some people prefer to play only for entertainment, not for the cash.
Bingo gives you the chance to make money in a short time and in a completely legal way. Its disadvantage is that bingo, as well as all slots, could be very addictive.
How do bingo halls earn money?
Most people wonder how the casino business is profitable as they give so much money to players. Very often when you play bingo, you go back home with a decent prize, and if this is not you, some other players make a profit. So how does the casino make money?
You do not need to wonder much, as there is some research that will answer all of your questions in the simplest way.
First, there are legal rules for bingo games which means that the government controls it as the national lottery. One player could spend only a certain amount of cash. Another example is that in USA part of the winnings goes to charity causes. Sometimes money is not enough for charities as the games are very expensive. Also, the winnings are high, and the money is not enough to cover the investment already made.
The chances to win in a bingo game are related to the number of players and luck as well. Players pay for their entrance when they purchase tickets. The bingo session has two possible outcomes, and they depend on the number of players in the hall and the amount of money they are ready to pay for the game. So at the end of the session either someone could win a huge prize, or the casino will end with a large profit.
A bingo hall owner was once asked how he keeps the business developing. He shared that the key to success was uniting the community. In other words, if players are passionate about playing bingo at the hall, they will visit very often.
Also, most of the times, players come to the hall in groups. Seeing someone alone is rare, and that is the reason why casino developers introduce new offers to players coming to the parlour with someone else. For example, a successful promotion is giving free drinks and snacks if there are more than 4 players at a table.
The profit of a bingo parlour is related to its location as well. In some states in USA bingo is more often played in comparison to other games.
The bingo business consists of many different elements that keep changing. Even though some people prefer to play bingo online, this does not mean that bingo halls do not make any profit. On the contrary, they still attract players and offer amazing winnings.
Bingo Association FAQ
When it comes to the whole association, players are bound to have some questions:
When was The Bingo Association established?
It was established in 1998.
How many members does the Association include?
There are 62 companies which are members of the Association. The companies are different – there are small ones and large multi-site operators.
How is The Association managed?
It is a limited company, and it has Articles of Association and Memorandum which contain the main regulations and principles of the Association.
Which Department of the Government is the sponsor of the Bingo Department?
Bingo is sponsored by The Department of Culture, Media and Sport and the game is an element of the gambling industry.
Which act regulates bingo and when was it introduced?
Bingo is currently legally regulated by the Gambling Act 2005. It was passed in September 2007.
Do I need a license, if I decide to run a bingo?
All of the members of the Association run bingo halls in the UK which offer land-based bingo for profit. This means that a Bingo Operating License is required for all of them. Some employees need Personal Licenses from the Gambling Commission as well and a Premises License. The Bingo Operating License gives the right of owning a definite number of machines in the hall.
Bingo halls could also offer food, drinks and another kind of entertainment to their players which also requires the respective licenses.
If bingo is running at charity events and it accumulates not more than £2,000 in seven days, this means it does not need a license.
Who is in charge of controlling the activity of operators and taking action in case they violate the legal requirements?
The authority which is in charge is the Gambling Commission. It inspects the activity of operators and more specifically if it corresponds to the regulations of the Licencing Conditions and Codes of Practice (LCCP) issued by the Commission. Companies which are members of the Association are regularly checked and informed about the requirements and could request amendments in some cases.
The Association is operating in close cooperation with the Gambling Commission to inform members more effectively provided that there are modifications in the process of licensing. The Bingo Association works for the member companies so that they promote best practices in the gambling sector and create know-how for operators about social activeness and responsibility.
Are there any famous cases of problems occurred when playing bingo?
There are no problems regarding gambling when it comes to bingo as the Association, and the member companies inspect this issue very closely. The whole sector is trying hard to avoid the occurrence of any problems through a system of managing bingo clubs and by supporting the organisations for education, rehabilitation, and treatment, such as The Responsible Gambling Trust.